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SPDs for Signal & Communication
Prime Power solutions include SPDs (Coaxial Lines, CATV Lines, DC Lines, DATA Lines, RJ45 Lines, and Serial Lines) that can be used for communication. With the best technology of prime solution, you can achieve low loss with fast reaction rate. Wherever you are, there are a variety of prime solutions available.
Coaxial Lines
Surge Protective Devices for coaxial cable-connected systems.
The SBCX features direct (VCD) shield connection while the SBCX features indirect shield connection (VCID) to prevent leakage pickups. -
CATV Lines
CATV Lines SPD is designed for coaxial systems such as camera and video system protection against the damage from surges and spikes caused by lightning and other electrical sources. They are suitable for used in category B, C (ANSI/IEEE C62.41) or directly at the upstream near the protected devices.
DC/Phone/Data Lines
DC/Phone/Data Lines LSA-PLUS telephone line surge protection is designed according to GB 18802.21-2004/IEC 61643-21:2000,based on the LSA-PLUS wiring technology and easy for installation. It can provide surge voltage protection for a pair of conductors or two single conductors.
RJ45 Lines
RJ45 Lines LSA-PLUS telephone line surge protection is designed according to GB 18802.21-2004/IEC 61643-21:2000, based on the LSA-PLUS wiring technology and easy for installation. It can provide surge voltage protection for a pair of conductors or two single conductors.
Serial Lines
Serial Lines RS485/RS232 surge suppressor is designed according to IEC 61643-21; GB 18802.21; YD/T 1542. used at LPZ 2-3 boundary, provide surge protection for RS485, RS422 or RS232 signal devices from damages, such as surge voltages, operating over voltages, electrostatic discharging and so on.