Lightning Surge Protection requires certain measures
Direct Lightning Protection
Protect your facilities and properties from high energy surges. It won’t be able to expect any satisfactory result and effect with insufficient tools.
We have Real Direct Lightning Current Simulator in our R&D Lab. SPDs test is the only way of ensuring and verifying their endurance and serviceability under the hardest operation conditions. -
SPD Coordination
Prime Power Solutions has a comprehensive line of surge protective devices to meet your needs, regardless of the risk of exposure. Our innovative, reliable surge protection solutions help reduce costly downtime by protecting sensitive electrical and electronic equipment against the damaging effects of transients.
Customizable Solutions
Our SPDs shunt high energy surges and other transient disturbances away from the equipment being protected. In nanoseconds, the device provides a low impedance surge path through the use of advanced metal oxide varistor (MOV) technology. SPDs also use self-testing technology to continuously verify the health of the unit.
Solar Power
Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly important. Wind turbines and PV are increasingly used in installations.However, the system is particularly vulnerable to lightning current and surge voltage.This is because they are mostly exposed, or because the surface area is particularly dangerous to lightning..